Télécharger Ebook Platero and I/Platero Y Yo: Platero Y Yo : A Dual-Language Book / Juan Ramon Jimenez ; Edited and Translated by Stanley Appelbaum

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Platero and I/Platero y yo A Dual-Language Book (Dover ~ Platero and I/Platero y yo A Dual-Language Book (Dover Dual Language Spanish) Posted on 02.11.2020. Platero and I - Wikipedia .

Platero and I/Platero y yo A Dual-Language Book (Dover ~ Platero and I/Platero y yo A Dual-Language Book (Dover Dual Language Spanish) — 30.10.2020 Platero and I - Wikipedia

Platero and I / Platero y yo: A Dual-Language Book by Juan ~ Platero and I/Platero y yo: A Dual-Language Book. by Juan Ramon Jimenez. The most popular work by the great Spanish writer Juan Ramón Jiménez (1881-1958), this is a series of autobiographical prose poems about the wanderings in Andalusia of a poet and his donkey. This new, accurate English translation is drawn from the 1917 edition. This is .

Platero - Wikipedia ~ Platero is the eponymous donkey of the 1914 story Platero and I (English for Platero y yo).The book is one of the most popular works by Spanish poet Juan Ramón Jiménez, the recipient of the 1956 Nobel Prize in Literature.In 1960, the Italian composer Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco composed a suite of music for guitar with narrator based on the book.

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