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Sergeant Gander: A Canadian Hero: Walker, Robyn ~ Sergeant Gander is a fascinating account of the Royal Rifles of Canadas canine mascot, and his devotion to duty demonstrated during the Battle of Hong Kong in the Second World War. Armed only with his formidable size, an intimidating set of teeth, and a protective instinct, Gander rought alongside his fellow Canadian soldiers.

Sergeant Gander: A Canadian Hero Kindle Edition - ~ Sergeant Gander is a fascinating account of the Royal Rifles of Canadas canine mascot, and his devotion to duty demonstrated during the Battle of Hong Kong in the Second World War. Armed only with his formidable size, an intimidating set of teeth, and a protective instinct, Gander rought alongside his fellow Canadian soldiers. As the Royal Rifles’ position become more precarious, the men .

Sergeant Gander: A Canadian Hero by Robyn Walker ~ Sergeant Gander is a fascinating account of the Royal Rifles of Canadas canine mascot, and his devotion to duty demonstrated during the Battle of Hong Kong in the Second World War. Armed only with his formidable size, an intimidating set of teeth, and a protective instinct, Gander rought alongside his fellow Canadian soldiers.

Sergeant Gander : a Canadian hero (Book, 2009) [WorldCat] ~ Get this from a library! Sergeant Gander : a Canadian hero. [Robyn Walker; Cheryl Hawley] -- A fascinating account of the Royal Rifles of Canada's canine mascot, and its devotion to duty demonstrated during one of Canada's biggest military tragedies, the Battle of Hong Kong of the Second .

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